John Marion

John and Luann Marion have enjoyed serving Richmond and it’s surrounding area for many years.  John has been heavily involved in the Professional Photographers of Michigan, Professional Photographers of America and served on the executive board of directors of Great Lakes Institute of Photography. He is Past President and board member of PPofM, Past President of XXV an international group of highly prestigious photographers as well as Past President of Richmond Rotary. He has been a lecturer all over the United States speaking at the National Convention six times. 

    Marion’s Studio has been one of the highest volume studios in Michigan with a total of 23,500 clients and counting. One would consider this an impediment on creativity and unique portraiture. Nothing could be further from the truth. John was one of 23 photographers world wide to accept the Award of Excellence for achieving a minimum of 16 images in Professional Photographers of America’s Loan collection. The very best of the national print competition. John and Luann pride themselves with creating unique and timeless portraits that stand the test of time.

    John has given back to the community as official photographer donating photography and the official portrait for Richmond Good Old Days, Port Huron March of Dimes, and ongoing contributions to various groups and charities. 

John holds three degrees in the field of photography. Master of Photography, Master Craftsman and Master of Electronic Imaging. Marion’s Studio is here to capture the special moments in your life. High School Graduation, Weddings, Babies and Children as well as Family and extended family sessions